How To Install FFmpeg on Ubuntu 22.04 | Linux Mint 21

FFmpeg is one of the most important libraries you can get for working with audio and video. So, it is essential to know how to install it on Ubuntu 22.04. This is the goal of this post, to learn how to install FFmpeg on Ubuntu 22.04.

According to the FFmpeg website:

FFMpeg is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video.

Many common programs and websites use FFmpeg to read and write audio and video files. But also to perform operations on them like converting, resizing and editing.

Yes, FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter, and play just about anything that humans and machines have created.

It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. So, you should have no problem working with any format.

FFmpeg allows a user to operate directly on audiovisual files without the use of third-party interfaces or programs. That is to say that it has a CLI that may complicate things at first but is very flexible for scripting and so on.

As you can imagine, the tool is cross-platform, and you can use it without any issues on Linux.

Install FFmpeg on Ubuntu 22.04

Before you start, make sure to completely update the system

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

FFmpeg is present in the official Ubuntu 22.04 repositories, so you can get information about the package with the command

apt show ffmpeg

You will get an on-screen output like this

FFmpeg package info
FFmpeg package info

Then, you can install FFmpeg with the following command

sudo apt install ffmpeg

At the end of the installation, you will be able to verify the version obtained

ffmpeg -version

Then you will see an output screen like this

FFmpeg on Ubuntu 22.04
FFmpeg on Ubuntu 22.04

Basic use of FFmpeg

FFmpeg is such a comprehensive tool with so many options that it is overwhelming at first. However, it is possible to describe a basic usage that can be used for more than one occasion.

If you want to get the information about a specific video.

ffmpeg -i [file]

If you would like to convert video from one format to another:

ffmpeg -i [original-video] [destination].

We will be able to convert MKV video to MP4:

ffmpeg -i sample.mkv sample.mp4

And many more options that you can check from the official documentation of the tool.

Uninstall FFmpeg on Ubuntu 22.04

If you would rather not use it anymore, then the best thing to do is to remove it from the system. To achieve this, just run.

sudo apt remove ffmpeg

Then, refresh APT

sudo apt update

And there won’t be any trace of it left.


FFmpeg is an important tool in audio and video management. It is easy to install as you could see but with many options.

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